I think if " Crisis of conscience" was readily available for PURCHSE, it would appeal to a very small circle of current doubting witnesses, and those that do purchase would have already found the answers they are looking for. This is because I believe the theme that made " crisis of conscience" so important was the identifying of the corruption of the G.B, However that corruption of those past egotists, is continuing to be repeated today by current G.B members and therefore the past evidence becomes less abstruct.
I believe that the current exposure, and the holding up to the light of Georry Jackson lying under oath at the Australian " Royal Commission" his lying about child abusers is of much more value than history. I write this because today we have the very essence of evil, current evil, and future evil of the G.B. This is what will awaken current members, not history.
The organisation is alive in its evil. not alive in its past evil. Past evils can be forgiven by members, but no witness in a " crisis of concience" should be forgiven if they accept the current evil of the " G. B" with a good "concience".
Therefore I believe a witness who can forgive past mistakes in the book " crisis of concience" will not find it so easy with a good "concience" to live with present accounts of Watchtower evil that are harder to ignor.
The Rebel